Monday, November 3, 2014

time flies by

The title does give it away doesn't it ?

Don't know when June became November and another year has flown by,

Guess this is what happens when you are having fun, are a mom, slightly lazy and all of the above

This has been a great year for me my little baby became a little boy and I can't get over how his personality is emerging and is a mix of both me , my husband and his own quirky self

I finally achieved my fitness goals and could fit into all my 90% of my old clothes again and just when I had started job hunting here, Bam!!! something happened and I can't do it still again(more on that in a later post)

The Indian festive season just got over and we celebrated all the festivals this year mainly for my son so that he can know our culture

Or so that I can dress him up in cute Indian clothes :)

Here's the past few months in pictures



Baby V 


Bye for now hope to write another post pretty soon

Monday, June 9, 2014

Hello there

Hello there

How have you been?
A very happy new year to everybody
Cant believe this year is half over, don't know where time is running by !!!
But happy times these are :) all thanks to my bundle of joy

Here's what I have been up to

Despite my little laddu keeping me super busy I did manage to work out a little bit and have lost almost all my pregnancy weight except the pooch which is a work in progress, a detailed post on this is in the works

My little one turned one in March and we had a fun party at a indoor playground

My mother is in town and that means a little bit of sleep for me something that I crave almost as much as pretty bags and shoes

Despite being a self confessed shopping addict suddenly I don't feel like it anymore !!!!
Yes I am very surprised myself

I started baking! who would've thought definitely not me, apparently motherhood does strange things to you but hubby is very happy about this

Here are some moments from my son's Birthday Party